come upon

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


come upon

  1. saada, hankkia, saada hallintaansa, ottaa haltuun, saada tuurilla, löytää, saada takaisin, löytää sattumalta, osua, sattua löytämään, onnistua löytämään, huomata sattumalta, saavuttaa, keksiä.

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ottaa haltuun

löytää sattumalta To come across; to encounter; to stumble upon; to discover or find, especially by chance or accident.

We came upon the skeleton while we were hiking.

1912: (w), (w), Chapter 5
Kala sometimes talked with the older females about her young hopeful, but none of them could understand how a child could be so slow and backward in learning to care for itself. Why, it could not even find food alone, and more than twelve moons had passed since Kala had come upon it.
To befall; to affect; to happen to.

I pray no harm will come upon you.


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